Wednesday, 10 February 2010

How to Add HTML Codes in Blogger Post ?

One of the big problem with the blogger is that it hasn't provided any tool to show HTML or Javascript code to blogger post. It is a big problem for those blogger who has Tech blog with HTML code to show on their post. There is some relief with new blogger editor which has given the inbuilt function to show the HTML/Javascript code to blog post. Did you find this ? Not yet ! find out here !!
1. Go to setting option of your blog dashboard
2. At the second option from end , you will find the option for update editor,click on the radio button
3. go to New Post and after inserting HTML code, click on the Post Option which is at the end of the post editor
4. Click on Post Option, you will find "SHOW HTML LITERALLY" under compose setting.
5. click on the radio button, it's over now, check the preview, HTML is shown on the post without any problem.

There is second method is also there :

Find out the
in Edit HTML code of existing templates

Insert the following code just above the

pre { background:#efefef; border:1px solid #A6B0BF; font-size:120%; line-height:100%; overflow:auto; padding:10px; color:#000000 } pre:hover { border:1px solid #efefef; } code { font-size:120%; text-align:left; margin:0;padding:0; color: #000000;} .clear { clear:both; overflow:hidden; }

That's Over, save your Templates !!!

Check for the preview whether you have inserted the right code or not


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